Licensed to practice in Colorado, Wyoming, and North Dakota

Call us: 970-420-7491

Attorney Insights

Read the latest articles discussing and answering common questions we hear from clients.
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  • Mineral Rights & Estate Plans: Why Proper Planning Is Essential when Dealing with Colorado Mineral Rights

    When it comes to estate planning, most people tend to focus on assets like real estate, bank accounts, and investments. However, if you own mineral rights in Colorado, integrating them into your estate plan is critical for protecting their value and ensuring a smooth transfer to the next generation. Without proper planning, your heirs &…

  • Understanding Suspense Issues with Colorado Oil and Gas Royalty Payments

    Suspense issues with Colorado oil and gas royalty payments can be both confusing and frustrating for mineral rights owners. When royalties are placed in suspense, it essentially means payments are put on hold until certain legal or administrative issues are resolved. Whether it is due to title disputes, probate delays, missing documents, or even simple…

  • Understanding Ancillary Probate for Colorado Mineral Rights

    Ancillary probate may sound complex, but it is simply a legal process that occurs when someone passes away owning property in a state where they don’t reside. The ancillary probate process includes notifying interested parties, resolving any claims against the estate, and properly distributing the property as directed by the decedent’s estate plan documents. Ancillary…

  • Personal Representative Mistakes When Dealing with Colorado Oil & Gas Mineral Interest

    When administering an estate, a personal representative may be tasked with managing and effectively transferring the deceased’s mineral interest to the designated heirs or beneficiaries. Handling the transfer of mineral rights from an estate to the listed beneficiary is often an overlooked responsibility of a personal representative. The mishandling of the transfer of mineral interests…

  • Understanding Deed Types: Most Common Types of Deeds in Colorado

    Understanding Deed Types: Most Common Types of Deeds in Colorado

    When it comes to conveying property interests, there are different types of legal documents that may be used to convey property ownership. Common documents used to convey property interests include warranty deeds, mineral deeds, quitclaim deeds, personal representative deeds, and trustee deeds. The type of document used will depend on the specific situation, including the…


At the law office of josh krieg, we offer a free consultation to evaluate your case and see if we can be of help.

Contact us today through phone, email, or online form.

Phone: 970-420-7491


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