Licensed to practice in Colorado, Wyoming, and North Dakota

Call us: 970-420-7491

Oil and Gas Mineral Rights Attorney

Colorado, Wyoming, and North Dakota Service Areas

What Are Mineral Rights?

Mineral rights encompass a wide variety of valuable resources, from oil and gas to gold, silver, coal, sand, and gravel. Acquiring mineral rights can occur through several avenues, including purchasing property or inheriting mineral rights from friends or family. Possessing mineral rights can result in opportunities for long-term income streams and asset appreciation, helping shape financial stability for families and individuals for years to come.

Whether you’re facing issues with unclear mineral rights ownership, disputes among heirs or beneficiaries, or navigating the transfer of mineral rights to future generations, we’re here to provide guidance and assistance. With our expertise and attention to detail, we can help ensure that your mineral rights are protected and managed in accordance with your wishes, providing peace of mind for the future.

Contact Us Today!

At the Law Office of Josh Krieg, we specialize in addressing a wide range of mineral rights matters, including the transfer of mineral ownership involving complex probate proceedings. We understand the intricacies involved in transferring and managing inherited mineral assets and addressing challenges that may arise during the probate and title transfer process. Ready to move forward? Enter your details in the form below to set up a free consultation. Have more questions? Give us a call at 970-420-7491!

Unlocking Value: Monetizing Your Mineral Rights Interest

Generating revenue from mineral rights ownership can be achieved through various means, with the primary options including entering into an oil and gas lease or outright selling the mineral interest. By entering into an oil and gas lease agreement, mineral owners can receive royalty payments or lease bonuses in exchange for granting exploration and extraction rights to an oil and gas company. Alternatively, selling mineral interest involves transferring ownership to a buyer in exchange for a lump sum payment, providing immediate liquidity and potentially eliminating the need for ongoing management and oversight of mineral assets. Each option offers distinct advantages and considerations, depending on the individual’s financial goals and circumstances.

Key Terms in Oil and Gas Leases

The process of leasing oil and gas minerals starts with companies and individuals conducting research and geological surveys to find promising development areas. Once a development target is identified, the companies will research mineral ownership records to determine the current owners of the mineral interest in the development area. Current mineral owners will be contacted and a lease offer will be presented. Oil and gas leases offer income potential through royalties and bonuses. Bonus rates vary depending on factors like property location, resource type, and market conditions.

An oil and gas lease agreement is important for defining the rights and responsibilities of both the mineral right owner (lessor) and the oil and gas company (lessee). Key terms include:

  1. Term Length: Specifies the time period for exploration and extraction rights. For the oil and gas company, a longer term length provides a more extended period to explore and extract resources, allowing them more time to recoup their investment and potentially generate profits. For the mineral owner, a shorter term length can be advantageous as it increases the likelihood of the mineral rights being released if there is no production on the land.
  2. Royalty Rate: Agreed upon percentage of revenue received by the mineral owner. Royalty rates typically range from 12.50% to 20.00%.
  3. Liability and Indemnification: Clauses that allocate responsibility for damages and risks during the exploration and extraction activities.
  4. Force Majeure: Clause that specifies events excusing the parties from fulfilling obligations due to uncontrollable circumstances.
  5. Dispute Resolution: Establishes a specific arrangement for resolving conflicts efficiently, often through mediation or arbitration, with the desire to avoid costly legal battles.

Value of Updated Mineral Right Records

In the situation where mineral interests are not generating royalties, finalizing conveyance paperwork remains essential to ensure the rightful transfer of ownership to beneficiaries. Maintaining current records of mineral ownership holds significant importance for several reasons. First, records act as tangible evidence of ownership, offering protection against disputes or challenges to ownership rights. Second, clear title to mineral rights streamlines transactions, providing clarity for companies and individuals looking to lease or purchase mineral rights. Additionally, updated records help ensure that mineral right owners receive equitable compensation for mineral extraction, reducing the potential for ownership disputes. 

Resolving Probate Mineral Issues: A Case Study

Hilary and Andrew were a married couple residing in Greeley, Colorado. Hilary passed away and Andrew moved to Wyoming to be closer to his family. 4 years after the death of Hilary, Andrew was contacted by an oil and gas company that was looking to lease Hilary’s mineral interest in Weld County, Colorado. Andrew was unaware that Hilary owned a mineral interest at the time of her death. Andrew contacted us to advise him on cleaning up the mineral title ownership. First, we re-opened Hilary’s probate estate in Colorado in order to properly transfer Hilary’s mineral interest. Luckily Hilary had estate planning documents which stated all of her interest to be distributed to Andrew. Once we completed the mineral conveyance from Hilary’s estate to Andrew, we represented Andrew in the oil and gas lease negotiations. At the conclusion of the negotiations, Andrew wanted to update his estate plan to account for his mineral interest that he owned in Wyoming. We updated his estate plan, ensuring a seamless transfer of Andrew’s mineral interest to his beneficiaries upon his death, helping eliminate any potential probate hurdles.

*The names portrayed in the case study are fictitious, and no identification with actual persons is intended or should be inferred. The information provided in the case study is for educational and entertainment purposes only. 

Mineral Rights Lawyers You Can Trust

Below is a list of services we provide to meet your legal needs:

  • Mineral Title Searches
  • Oil and Gas Lease Negotiations
  • Identifying and curing title defects
  • Mineral and Surface Deed Preparation and Review
  • Probate Proceedings Involving the Distribution of Mineral Rights
  • Family Generational Estate Planning for Mineral Interest

If you are managing a situation where identifying mineral right ownership is troublesome, engaged in the oil and gas leasing process, or a personal representative tasked with conveying a mineral interest, it’s important to rely on the expertise of a specialized oil and gas attorney. At the Law Office of Josh Krieg, we possess extensive knowledge in the complexities of mineral rights ownership. Please reach out for a free consultation of your legal situation.